March 31 through April 6 Announcements


1. Stitching and Sharing will meet April 2 at 1:00 PM.

2. Stitching and Sharing is having a silent auction next month.  Items are in the fellowship hall and on the website.

3. Wednesday Night will be April’s business meeting.

4. We are taking bids for mowing cemetery.  All bids need to be in by April business meeting.

5. If you missed the Annie Armstrong offering collection today, it is not too late.  Just turn in your offering in an offering envelope and we will get it to NAMB.

6. Long Run Association’s Men’s Brotherhood Association will have their annual Turkey Shoot at the Switzerland County Sportsman’s Club April 6 @ 8:00 AM.

7. Pancake Breakfast fundraiser April 20th from 7:30-10:00 AM will be for Camille Evans a 3 month old with leukemia from Versailles.

8. Revival May 5th-8th Ricky Persons speaking and Don Miller providing the music.  Brother Ricky is from Bethel Baptist Church in North Vernon, Indiana and Don Miller is from Louisville, Kentucky and was with us last year.

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