September 22 through September 28 Announcements


1. Please turn in your prayer requests on the green CARE Cards.

2. CARE Team – E will meet this Monday, September 23, at 6:00 PM. We could use your help on this team.

3. Friend Day, September 29, please invite your friends and family to this service. Remember we will have a pitch-in fellowship following the morning service.

4. We are starting to get prepared for Trunk or Treat on October 26. Last year we had 100+ people come through for Trunk or Treat. Look for the two donation bins for candy donations. We need 15+ cars to volunteer for this exciting day.

5. Our nursing home visitation team got awarded the volunteer church of the year by the residents at The Waters in Madison. We are thankful we can be a blessing to these dear people.

6. The Good News Club at the Canaan Community Academy is looking for more volunteers to sit and guide some students. If you would like to get involved with this great ministry see pastor Chris.